Division of Agriculture
Collaborate with Division of Agriculture in the establishment promotion, training and provide technical support to agricultural cooperatives and groups. Also assist in the implementation of special events like Agricultural Co-operative Week.

Youth Development Division
The Co-operative Division staff facilitates the business skill module of the Youth Skill Training Programme. Also assist in the development of youth organizations including co-operatives and the implementation of special events that would involve the youth.
Fisheries Division
Collaborate with the Fisheries Division in the establishment, promotion, training and providing technical support to Fisheries Co-operatives and groups. Also assist in the implementation of special events like the National Eat Fish Day.
Bureau of Gender Affairs
Collaborate in the establishment and promotion of Women's groups and co-operatives. Also assist in the implementation of special events that would involve women.
Dominica Co-operative Societies League
Shared memorandum of understanding for the effective promotion and development of cooperative societies in Dominica.